PHS PhD student Isis Bey was named a 2025 Researcher Resilience Training Fellow

Isis was named a 2025 Researcher Resilience Training Fellow. The Researcher Resilience Training (RRT) program is designed to provide advanced doctoral students and early career investigators of African descent interested in child and adolescent behavioral health, with the necessary research skills to address the significant challenges that exist within resource-poor settings. RRT fellows will receive didactic instruction, mentoring, “hands-on” experience in child-focused studies, individualized consultation, goal setting, monitoring and ongoing support resources across time.
She will participate in a summer intensive that includes in person and virtual training sessions, networking opportunities, hands on global research projects in Masaka, Uganda, followed by a return back to the US and continued work with a mentor at the Race and Opportunity Lab at Brown School, Washington University. The lab operates the Home Grown StL. She will work on intervention design. The project aims to integrate new interventions into the existing FFSC’s family formation program. The project will examine if these new interventions helps improve the economic mobility and mental health of young Black men.