Research & Service

The faculty, staff, and students of the Department of Public Health Sciences actively partner with community partners, engaging in research and service collaborations that benefit our community and advance our mission.

Faculty Research and Service Directory

Visit our Faculty Research and Service Directory to see our faculty’s expertise and their areas of community engagement.

ECH faculty are actively  engaged with several interdisciplinary ‘academies.’ These academies provide a nexus for linking academics from across campus with practitioners, students, and community stakeholders to tackle pressing regional priorities while advancing knowledge and developing our current and future public health workforce. 


APHI- The Academy for Population Health Innovation is a unique partnership with Mecklenburg County Public Health that focuses on bringing academics and practitioners together to address the region’s pressing public health priorities.


The UNC Charlotte Violence Prevention Center (VPC) researches violence prevention approaches using a multidisciplinary social-ecological model (SEM). The Center serves as a resource for transformative research, training, and technical assistance for communities, policymakers, and the public.