Our faculty is comprised of dedicated individuals from diverse academic, professional, and experiential backgrounds. Individuals with a wide range of research backgrounds are available to provide guidance and mentor students through their journey.
Ahmed Arif, Ph.D., MBBS

Ahmed Arif, Ph.D., MBBS, Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences. Research interests: Epidemiology of occupational and nonoccupational lung diseases, spatial epidemiology, occupations and suicide. aarif@charlotte.edu
Jessamyn Moxie, Ph.D., MPH

Jessamyn Bowling, Ph.D., MPH, Associate Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences. Research interests: Female condoms, human sexuality, sexual minorities, international health (India), sexuality communication. jbowlin9@charlotte.edu
Suzanne Boyd, Ph.D

Suzanne Boyd, Ph.D., Associate Professor, School of Social Work. Research interests: Child and adolescent mental health, adult mental health, consumer-operated services, peer support mental health services, building research capacity within organizations, program evaluations, recovery-based mental health systems. sboyd@charlotte.edu
Shi Chen, Ph.D

Shi Chen, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences. Research interests: Epidemiology, insects and disease distributions. schen56@charlotte.edu
Robert Cramer, Ph.D

Robert Cramer, Ph.D., Associate Professor & Belk Distinguished Scholar in Health Research, Department of Public Health Sciences. Research interests: suicide prevention, sexual and gender minority health, hate crimes & violence prevention, military health, scale development, program evaluation, community-engaged research, and the intersection of social science, law & policy. rcramer4@charlotte.edu
Maren Coffman, Ph.D.

Maren Coffman, Ph.D., Associate Professor, School of Nursing. Research interests: population health, maternal child health, chronic disease self-management. mjcoffma@charlotte.edu
Melinda Forthofer, Ph.D.

Melinda (Lyndie) Forthofer, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences. Research interests: Social epidemiology, social networks, community-based prevention research, diffusion of innovation/translational science, chronic disease-related health behaviors, especially physical activity. forthofer@charlotte.edu
Sarah Laditka, Ph.D.

Sarah Laditka, Ph.D., Emeritus Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences. Research interests: gerontology, health disparities, active life expectancy, cognitive health and health behaviors, and using a life-course perspective to understand how health, social, and economic disadvantages in early life affect health in midlife and older ages. sladitka@charlotte.edu
Sara Levens, Ph.D.

Sara Levens, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Psychological Science. Research interests: The role of emotion sharing and emotion (dis)regulation in mental health, health cognitions, health behaviors, health communication, decision making, and social media behaviors. slevens@charlotte.edu
Rajib Paul, Ph.D.

Rajib Paul, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences. Research interests: bayesian statistics and spatial and spatio-temporal statistics with applications in epidemiology, health policy, and environment; Bayesian nonparametric and robust nonparametric methods for large datasets and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) based research. rpaul9@charlotte.edu
Charlie Reeve, Ph.D.

Charlie Reeve, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Psychological Science. Research interests: Research methods, philosophy of science, measurement, data analytics. clreeve@charlotte.edu
Theresa Scheid, Ph.D.

Theresa Scheid, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Sociology; Adjunct Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences. Research interests: Organization and delivery of health care services, mental health, professionals and professional power, integration of healthcare services, HIV. tlscheid@charlotte.edu
Victoria Scott, Ph.D.

Victoria Scott, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Psychological Science. Research interests: integrated care, maternal and infant wellness, and organizational development. victoria.scott@charlotte.edu
Lori Thomas, Ph.D., MSW

Lori Thomas, Ph.D., MSW, Associate Professor, School of Social Work. Research interests: Aging, homelessness, mental health, religion and social welfare, integrated administrative data, and social work macro practice. mthom117@charlotte.edu
Deborah SK Thomas, Ph.D.

Deborah SK Thomas, Ph.D., Professor and Chair, Department of Geography and Earth Sciences. Research Interests: Hazards/disasters, Health Geography, Geographic Information Systems, Environmental Health, Human-environment Interactions, and Global Health/East Africa. Deborah.Thomas@charlotte.edu
Michael Thompson, DrPH

Michael Thompson, DrPH, Associate Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences. Research interests: Competency-based education; accreditation; community assessment; program evaluation; chronic disease; health disparities; community-based research. methomp1@charlotte.edu
Catrine Tutor-Locke, Ph.D.

Catrine Tutor-Locke, Ph.D., Professor and Dean, College of Health and Human Services. Research Interest: Promotion of walking throughout the lifespan and the development of objective measures of physical activity using wearable technology. Tudor-Locke@charlotte.edu
Meredith Troutman-Jordan, Ph.D.

Meredith Troutman-Jordan, Ph.D., Associate Professor, School of Nursing. Research interests: Successful aging, health promotion of older adults, gerotranscendence. meredithtroutman@charlotte.edu
Jan Warren-Findlow, Ph.D.

Jan Warren-Findlow, Ph.D., Professor and Chair, Department of Public Health Sciences. Research interests: Chronic disease self-management; aging; women’s health; health disparities research. jwarren1@charlotte.edu
Jennifer Langhinrichsen-Rohling, Ph.D

Jennifer Langhinrichsen-Rohling, Ph.D, Professor, Department of Psychological Science. Research interests: Applying trauma-informed models of healthcare; Healthcare Institutional Betrayal; Prevention/intervention of violent public health behaviors including suicide, self-injury, intimate partner violence, stalking, and sexual assault. jlanghin@charlotte.edu
ennifer Webb, Ph.D.

Jennifer Webb, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Psychological Science. Research interests: positive body image and embodiment, intuitive and mindful eating, self-compassion, culture, women’s health. jbest18@unc.edu
Daheia J. Barr-Anderson, PhD, MSPH

Daheia J. Barr-Anderson, PhD, MSPH, Department of Applied Physiology, Health, and Clinical Sciences. Research interest in Physical activity, sedentary behaviors, and obesity prevention in children and adults. Dr. Barr-Anderson is particularly interested in 1) home- and community-based, environmental interventions that incorporate both physical activity and nutrition to achieve healthy outcomes and to decrease racial/ethnic health inequalities and 2) yoga interventions to address cardiovascular disease risk factors in Black/African American women. dbarrand@charlotte.edu
affiliate faculty
Laura Marie Armstrong, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Psychological Science. Research interests: Infant and early childhood development, family processes, readiness to engage in behavioral and physical health interventions, transition to parenthood, health and wellness for parents and children. laura.armstrong@charlotte.edu
Bruce Arrigo, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Criminal Justice; Adjunct Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences. Research interests: Mental health, law, and policy; social justice; ethics and community psychology. barrigo@charlotte.edu
Erin Basinger, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Studies. Research interests: Stress and coping, Type 2 diabetes, Interpersonal communication, Health communication, Social support. ebasinge@charlotte.edu
Elise Berman, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology. Research interests: Child health, corporal discipline, COVID-19, migration, cross-cultural validity of developmental measurements, cross-cultural psychology, Marshallese and Pacific Islanders. eberman@charlotte.edu
Allison Burfield, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Sociology. Research interests: Geriatrics, pharmacotherapeutics, mental health across the age spectrum, care outcomes, large datasets. aburfiel@charlotte.edu
Candace (Dace) Brown, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences. Research interests: Gerontology, exercise, motivation, diversity representation, inter-multidisciplinary science, and psycho, social, neuro behaviors. cbrow342@charlotte.edu
Sam Cacace, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences. Research interests: Military and veteran health, survey methodology, dyadic research methods, measurement invariance, latent variable modeling, structural equation modeling (SEM), item response theory (IRT), and differential item functioning (DIF). scacace@charlotte.edu
Alicia Dahl, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences. Research interests: Health behavior change strategies (motivational interviewing, health coaching) technology-based interventions (mobile apps, websites) nutrition and physical activity education and promotion, maternal and child health, mental health, health disparities. adahl3@charlotte.edu
Boyd H. Davis, Ph.D., Professor, Department of English. Research interests: Language use in dementia and in TBI; caregiver training; patient-provider communication; technology-based care interventions. bdavis@charlotte.edu
Christine Davis, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Communication Studies. Research interests: Health communication, end-of-life communication, communication and disability, healthcare groups and teams, cultural communication, material culture, body politic, health humanities. christine.s.davis@charlotte.edu
Andrea Freidus, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology. Research interests: Health disparities among congenital heart patients, food insecurity, volunteer tourism, orphans/orphan care in Malawi. afreidus@charlotte.edu
Catherine Fuentes, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Anthropology. Research interests: Medical anthropology and applied anthropology, incarcerated women, domestic violence, trauma. cfuente4@charlotte.edu
Janne Gaub, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology. Research interests: Policing, including police use of technology (primarily body-worn cameras), police misconduct, police use of force, specialized police units, and gender and policing (e.g., experiences of policewomen), and qualitative study of police experiences during COVID-19. jgaub@charlotte.edu
Virginia Gil-Rivas, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Psychological Science. Research interests: Trauma, coping, health behavior change, adaptation of interventions. vgilriva@charlotte.edu
Laura Gunn, Ph.D., Associate Professor; Director of Health Analytics; Director of Health Analytics and Outcomes Research Academy (HAnORA), Department of Public Health Sciences. Research interests: Applied, interdisciplinary, and collaborative biostatistics, health outcomes research, analysis of big data randomized trials, program evaluation, community-based participatory research with local partnerships, health disparities. laura.gunn@charlotte.edu
Yuqi Guo, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, School of Social; School of Data Science. Research interests: Cancer Disparities, Health Technology, and Mental Health. yguo16@charlotte.edu
Lorenzo Hopper, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences. Research interests: Fatherhood, men’s health, understanding and addressing health disparities, the experience of a first-generation college student, and health care services utilization. lhopper6@charlotte.edu
Kendra Jason, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology. Research interests: Aging and health disparities, work and organizations, race and gender, stratification research. kjason@charlotte.edu
Joseph Kangmennaang, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Earth Sciences. Research interests: Immigrant health and wellbeing, Wellbeing of places, Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) prevention and control, food and water insecurity in sub-Saharan Africa. jkangmen@charlotte.edu
Ryan Kilmer, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Psychological Science. Research interests: clinical and community psychology, children and families, factors influencing the development of children at-risk for emotional, behavioral, and/or academic difficulties, evaluation research to guide system change, program refinement, service delivery, and policy. rpkilmer@charlotte.edu
Shanti Kulkarni, Ph.D., Associate Professor, School of Social Work. Research interests: Domestic violence theory and services (including dating violence), adolescent childbearing, families in poverty, and women’s health. skulkar@charlotte.edu
Jennifer Langhinrichsen-Rohling, Ph.D., (Dr. L-R) Professor, Department of Psychological Sciences and Health Psychology. Research interests: Applying trauma-informed models of healthcare; Prevention/intervention of violent public health behaviors including suicide, intimate partner violence, stalking, and sexual assault. jlanghin@charlotte.edu
Othelia Lee, Ph.D., Associate Professor, School of Social Work. Research interests: gerontology, health promotion and cultural diversity. elee50@charlotte.edu
Susan McCarter, Ph.D., Associate Professor, School of Social Work. Areas of research: risk and protective factors in adolescence: specifically race/ethnicity and juvenile justice. smccarter@charlotte.edu
Alyssa McGonagle, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Psychological Sciences. Research interests: worker health, stress, well-being, and work ability, workers with chronic health conditions and other disabilities, aging workers, worker safety and injury prevention. amcgonag@charlotte.edu
Annelise Mennicke, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, School of Social Work. Research interests: violence prevention, sexual assault, sexual violence, campus sexual assault, incarcerated women, abuse-to-prison pipeline, bystander intervention. amennick@charlotte.edu
Erika Montanaro, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Psychological Science. Research interests: intervention development, adolescents, young adults, technology, sexual health, risk behavior. emontana@charlotte.edu
Julian Montoro-Rodriquez, Ph.D., Professor; Director of Gerontology; Department of Sociology. Research interests: family caregiving across the lifespan. jmontoro@charlotte.edu
Amy Peterman, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Psychological Science. Research interests: socioeconomic disparities in health; psychological interventions in primary care; quality of life in chronic illness. ahpeterm@charlotte.edu
Nicole Peterson, Ph.D., Department of Anthropology. Research interests: Food systems, disparities, assessment, mixed methods. npeterson@charlotte.edu
Crystal Piper, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences. Research interests: Health education & behavior, health planning & evaluation, and research methods, health disparities. cpiper1@charlotte.edu
Stephanie Potochnick, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Sociology Department and Public Policy Program. Research interests: Social Demography, Immigrant Children and Families, Population and Migration Policy, Health and Education Policy. spotochn@charlotte.edu
Kelly Powers, Ph.D., Associate Professor, School of Nursing. Research interests: Interventions to improve provision of safe and high-quality healthcare, interventions to improve provision of patient- and family- centered care, and educational innovations for nursing and other health professions students (simulation and IPE). kpower15@charlotte.edu
Maggie Quinlan, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Communication Studies. Research interests: health, organizational and performative communication, ethnography, narrative/interpretive/rhetorical/feminist analyses, social justice issues, marginalized populations, women’s reproductive health, social media, medical expertise, motherhood, intersectional feminism, practitioner-patient communication, “sex-selection”, infertility, infant loss, childbirth, breastfeeding, postpartum issues, premature birth, maternal mortality, and developmental milestones. mquinla1@charlotte.edu
Monika Sawhney, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences. Research interests: Demographic and health issues with a focus on maternal and child health, nutrition, reproductive health, immunizations, human resources for health sector, and strengthening of health systems; global health. msawhney@charlotte.edu
JaneDiane Smith, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Special Education and Child Development. Research interests: developing and testing a prenatal early intervention curriculum for families whose child has a diagnosis eligible for early intervention, early intervention for premature, high-risk, and medically fragile infants and their families, interdisciplinary personnel preparation, collaboration across disciplines (e.g., early intervention, medical). jdianesm@charlotte.edu
Lisa Walker, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Sociology. Research interests: small group processes, status, power, influence. lisa.walker@charlotte.edu
Sharon Watson, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology. Research interests: Applied anthropology, developmental studies, medical anthropology, implementation & dissemination, HIV/AIDS, food insecurity, cultural aspects of health, participatory action research, community health, program planning and evaluation, health policy and management, health systems, work, social mobility, and racism. Watson.S@charlotte.edu
Meagan Zarwell Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences. Research interests: Gender and sexual minority health disparities, HIV prevention, social capital, and implementation strategies. mzarwell@charlotte.edu