Graduate Public Health Association (GPHA)


The Graduate Public Health Association (GPHA) is the graduate student organization of all graduate-level public health programs at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte. The purpose of GPHA is to provide an atmosphere that supports graduate students interested in public health jobs in advancing their academic and professional goals, ambitions, and careers.


Provide graduate students in the Department of Public Health Sciences the opportunity to enhance their academic and professional goals and careers in Public Health.

Executive board


Mariah Quinn – 2nd year CHPR


I chose to join GPHA in order to promote student engagement opportunities and to participate in a student organization while in my graduate program. I see this involvement as a chance for personal and professional growth, as well as leadership development and community engagement. I believe it’s my responsibility as a student to shape the future of public health, and GPHA offers a pathway for me to do just that.

As I approach the end of my MPH program, my goal is not just to graduate, but to leave a lasting impact and establish myself as a leader in the field of public health.

A fun fact about me is that I love to collect shells and crystals!


Dom Donnay – 2nd year CHPR

I am originally from Syracuse, NY and attended Syracuse University for undergrad. I currently work in healthcare and have worked as a Pharmacy Technician and now work as an Emergency Medical Technician. My ultimate career goal is to become a physician that uses public health as a foundation to treat patients and improve the healthcare system.

I have the pleasure to serve as Co-President for GPHA. I decided to take on the role to become more involved within the campus community, and wanted to begin to make impacts. I also will bring my strong leadership skills to the team. I also have heavy experience with social justice and equity work. I would like to create innovative ways to educate others on public health and how it can be used in everyday life.

A fun fact about me is that I have been to Italy!


Ayesha Kamdar – 2nd year CHPR


I chose to join the GPHA board because I am passionate about making a difference in UNC Charlotte graduate campus life. My goal is to provide graduate students, especially MPH students, with opportunities to get more involved on campus.

A fun fact about me is that I received my undergraduate degree from UNC Charlotte as well so I am very familiar with the campus and Charlotte as a whole. 


Evie Starr – 2nd year EPID


I previously received my undergraduate degree in biology, where I also did some lab research into proteostasis and aging. 

I chose GPHA because I wish to play a more active role in the public health community on campus. I chose the role of secretary because I believe my strengths lie in supporting other people to help them do their best work. 

A fun fact about me is that I love to longboat. Going down a hill as fast as you can is one of the best feelings out there.

Social Media Coordinator

Hayat Naqvi – 2nd year EPID


I chose to join GPHA because I want to promote and spread awareness through content creation and social media, especially when it comes to public health. I am a social media hype person! One of my hobbies is editing and capturing good photos, so I’ll make sure the posts are on point and eye-catching. 

Fun fact about me: I am a huge Friends fan! and I love to travel.

Event Coordinator

Rae Hallow-Gordon


Rae is a dedicated member of the Charlotte community and has completed his BA in Anthropology and Medical Health Humanities here as well. He is dedicated to representation and transparency, asserting the need for accessibility and inclusion in all circumstances, and advocating through mutual aid, grassroots efforts, and direct action. His research focuses on the mind-body connection in response to disparity, currently assessing behaviors of survival mode for individuals struggling with food security. He is excited to be your event coordinator and community outreach chair this year and plans to continue to build initiatives that further support the department, student interests, and professional development.

MPH Liaison

Marielle Indyg– 2nd year EPID


I am a second-year MPH Epidemiology student and serve as the MPH Liaison for GPHA. I previously received a B.S. in Exercise Physiology, which sparked my interest in chronic disease prevention. I chose GPHA to become more involved in the public health community at UNC Charlotte and to help our MPH students and staff stay connected. A fun fact about me is that I have three cats!


Garima Giri – 2nd year MHA


Hi! I’m from Sacramento, CA and have loved exploring Charlotte throughout graduate school.

I chose GPHA because I’m interested in public health and want to contribute to a community that focuses on health equity. As a senator I will be able to connect GPSG and GPHA so public health students have opportunities to prepare for professional growth. A fun fact about me is that my favorite food is vegetarian momos. My pronouns are she/her. 

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