Mann Patel

Mann Patel

Concentration: Epidemiology

Hometown: Greensboro, NC

Undergraduate Degree: B.S in Public Health, Minor: Chemistry, Institution: Appalachian State University

Public Health Interest: Public Health is the best way for primary prevention, if we can slow chronic diseases by making communities more health conscious and aware of underlying health problems, it can prevent future health complications. I want to work collaboratively with communities to have sustainable health improvements and empower individuals to make informed lifestyle choices, the ultimate goal of public health.

Public Health Experience: I have a decent amount of public health experience from my major and my internship. The major taught me what public health is all about and why it is so important, the classes from undergrad have prepared me to become a public health advocate. My community outreach internship was a valuable experience. Engaging in community outreach activities, like the farm program, equipped me with hands-on experience in planning and executing health promotion initiatives. Shadowing the dentist there provided me with a valuable understanding of patient interactions and the significance of patient-centered care in promoting overall well-being, preventative methods, and healthy lifestyle techniques.

Why did I chose the UNC Charlotte MPH program: UNC Charlotte’s public health masters program will help me achieve my desired goals in which I want to be able to help communities become empowered with knowledge and how to increase life expectancy. This master’s program will help me become a public health professional that can make a difference in everyone’s lives through doing what I am good at and I will be able to gain knowledge that I wish to gain through this master’s program.

About Me: I am an outdoor person, I like to go on hikes, go swimming, play tennis, golf, and other sports. I like to go to the gym. I like exploring music, I like being introduced to different genres. I also like gaming, recently I have been into racing and have a racing simulator.
