Heather Obregón Batres

Heather Obregón Batres

Concentration: Epidemiology

Hometown: Managua, Nicaragua

Undergraduate Degree: Médico General (General Practitioner) from Universidad de Defensa de Nicaragua “4 de Mayo” (UDENIC)

Public Health Interest: Infectious disease control and prevention.

Public Health Experience: I did a medical internship at Hospital Militar Escuela “Dr. Alejandro Dávila Bolaños” in Managua, Nicaragua.

Why I chose the MPH program at UNC Charlotte: Considering my medical background, I chose the UNC Charlotte MPH program because its rigorous curriculum and core values align with my goals and career path as I am interested in studying the distribution, behavior and risk factors of diseases in the general population and how to develop strategies that prevent and mitigate health issues. I believe that the Master’s program will give me the tools necessary to grow professionally and gain valuable experience in order to become a successful public health professional.