MPH Student to Attend Presidential Inauguration Academic Seminar

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UNC Charlotte sends one student annually to participate in The Washington Center’s Presidential Inauguration Academic Seminar. This year’s winner is Alexandra Alcorn, first year MPH student. The theme of this year’s seminar will be “Can We Elevate Political Discourse?” Attending students will evaluate the transfer of power and the agenda of the next administration. Students are tasked to seek bipartisan cooperation amidst the currently divisive political atmosphere. The seminar will be held for 2 weeks (January 8-21, 2017) in Washington, DC, for the inauguration of the 45th President of the United States. Students from around the country will stay in The Washington Centers housing, the cost of which is included in the full scholarship.

Alexandra (Alex) completed her undergraduate degree at the University of Minnesota in Biology and Spanish. She worked at the Brain Sciences Center at the University as a research assitant, helping PTSD and TBI in U.S. veterans. She also worked as a program coordinator at the People’s Medical Clinic in Minneapolis where she planned and implemented a weekly yoga class in an underserved neighborhood populated primarily by East African refugees. In both Minneapolis and Charlotte, Alex has worked as a Domestic Violence Advocate. Since moving to Charlotte she has been a Bilingual Science Educator at Harding University High School. More recently she was the representative of El Salvador at the Regional Mock WHO Conference at Chapel Hill.