Professor Beth Racine’s Students Present Research at North Carolina Public Health Conference

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Two students mentored by Dr. Elizabeth Racine recently presented at the North Carolina Public Health Association Educational Conference. Katelin Hudak’s poster presentation reported on a systematic review of evidence on the relationship between the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and childhood obesity. Ms. Hudak is a PhD student in UNC Charlotte’s Public Policy doctoral program. Dr. Racine is a co-chair of her dissertation research. In addition to Dr. Racine, Department of Public Health Sciences PhD student Erin Vinoski was a co-author.

Sally Bulluck, a doctoral student at UNC Chapel Hill, was selected to report results of research on Farmers’ Market Use in Cabarrus County in an oral presentation. The research was funded by Cabarrus Health Alliance through a grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Principal Investigator: Dr. Racine). Collaborators included Erica Cline and Emily Emory, students in the Department of Public Health Sciences BSPH program and the UNCC Charlotte Community Scholars program, as well as Meghan Charpentier, a graduate of the BSPH program and staff member at Cabarrus Health Alliance.


  • Hudak, KM., Racine, EF., & Vinoski, E. (2016). The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and Childhood Obesity: Examining the Evidence. Poster Presentation. North Carolina Public Health Association 2016 Fall Educational Conference. New Bern, NC. September 15, 2016.
  • Sally Bullock, Erica Cline, Emily Emery, Elizabeth Racine, and Meghan Charpentier. Cabarrus County REACH Farmers’ Market Evaluation. North Carolina Public Health Association 2016 Fall Educational Conference. New Bern, NC. September 15, 2016.