GPHA hosts Go Red Day 2016

On February 2, 2016, the Graduate Public Health Association (GPHA) hosted an event in the Student Union to raise awareness about the American Heart Association’s annual Go Red Week. The American Heart Association had a table where students could learn about the organization and how to prevent heart disease. GPHA had tables where students could create healthy snacks, answer questions about heart health and win a prize, and learn about the Public Health Programs offered at UNC Charlotte. GPHA also created a “Go Red” photo booth. Recreation Services had a table where students could participate in fitness tests and learn about the exercise classes offered on campus, and the Kinesiology Department had a table where students could have their blood pressure checked.
Why Go Red? Stroke and Heart Disease are behind 1 in 3 deaths among women each year – that’s approximately one woman every 80 seconds! For this reason, the American Heart Association started Go Red Week in 2004 to educate the public about the dangers of heart disease, how heart disease looks different in women, and most importantly – ways to prevent heart disease.