News & Events

Dr. Ahmed Arif presented two research posters at the annual meeting of the American College of Epidemiology held in Silver Spring, MD from September 6-9, 2014. The first research poster entitled “Association between comorbidities and asthma among children: A case-control study” was based on Dr. Arif’s research, funded by the Faculty Research Grant, conducted in […]

Dr. Jim Laditka and Dr. Sarah Laditka presented a research seminar to faculty and graduate students in the Department of Public Health Sciences at the Medical University of South Carolina on September 22, “Treats All ’Round: Using Multinomial Markov Modeling and Microsimulation to Address Missing Data in Longitudinal Analysis in a Study of Unemployment and […]

The Department of Public Health Sciences Graduate Programs Open House is Friday, October 24 from 2:00-4:00 PM in the College of Health and Human Services building Third Floor Atrium. This is an opportunity to check out the department’s Accredited Graduate Degree programs: Master of Health Administration, Master of Sciene in Public Health, and PhD in […]

Dr. Thomas Janssens (pictured) – a postdoctoral fellow in the Research Group on Health Pyschology at KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium – is completing a five-week stay in the Department of Public Health Sciences. Dr. Janssens’ visit is supported through a Short-Term Research Training Fellowship from the European Respiratory Society; Dr. Harver serves as host supervisor. […]

Depression may not be associated with adverse birth outcomes among a predominantly healthy population of non-Hispanic White, well educated women. These findings from the thesis of Kenesha Smith, a 2014 graduate of the MSPH program and current student in the PhD in Public Health Sciences program, were recently presented at the annual American College of […]

Gary Silverman presented Connecting the Disconnect between Risk Perception and Risk Assessment at the annual conference of the Association of Environmental Studies and Sciences, June 11-14, 2014, in New York City. The conference theme, Welcome to the Anthropocene: From Global Challenge to Planetary Stewardship, explored how current human intervention is of such enormous magnitude to […]