Departmental News


Evaluation & Program Planning’s October 2016 issue includes a paper about the design of a group-based social network driven walking intervention. The program, called “Sumter County on the Move!”, was based on community-based formative research in Sumter County, South Carolina. The work was funded through a grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention […]


Three UNC Charlotte MPH students, Jasmine Mickle (’16), Jenny Cooper (’17), and Keesha Corbin (’18) as employees of Benchmarks, helped to spearhead an innovative project to improve mental health services for children and families in North Carolina. Benchmarks’ Partnering for Excellence (PFE) redesigns the local child welfare/behavioral health system, changing the way Departments of Social […]


Two students mentored by Dr. Elizabeth Racine recently presented at the North Carolina Public Health Association Educational Conference. Katelin Hudak’s poster presentation reported on a systematic review of evidence on the relationship between the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and childhood obesity. Ms. Hudak is a PhD student in UNC Charlotte’s Public Policy doctoral program. Dr. […]


Dr. L. Michele Issel has been chosen to serve as the liaison representative of the Quad Council Coalition of Public Health Nursing Organizations to the Community Preventive Services Guide Task Force. The Community Preventive Services Task Force (Task Force) is an independent, non-federal, unpaid panel of public health and prevention experts that provides evidence-based findings […]


At the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Dr. Michele Issel, Director of the Public Health Sciences doctoral program, participated in several forums to mentor junior scholars from throughout the country. She was the organizer of a professional development workshop on navigating academic-practice collaborations in research and a member of a panel of senior researchers who […]


The Department of Public Health Sciences this summer hosted three faculty from the Department of Social Work at Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) University ( in New Delhi, India. Drs. N.U. Khan, Sigamani Panneer and Rashmi Jain are representatives of the program that has hosted the College of Health and Human Services’ Spring Break trip to […]


PHS faculty members Dr. Jim Laditka and Dr. Sarah Laditka will present their research titled “The Joint Dynamics of Employment, Disability, and Mortality” at the Panel Study of Income Dynamics Annual User Conference next week. The Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) began in 1968 with a nationally representative sample of over 18,000 individuals living […]


The Department of Public Health Sciences opened the 2016-2017 academic year with a workshop on creating inclusive instructional and research environments, presented by educational consultant Jamie Piperato at the department’s annual retreat. Piperato is a national student affairs speaker and higher education consultant who specializes in leadership, equity and inclusion, and LGBTQ education. The workshop […]


Dr. Larissa R. Brunner Huber, professor of epidemiology in the Department of Public Health Sciences at UNC Charlotte, has received a grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) to examine how short birth intervals are associated with some under-studied adverse pregnancy outcomes. In the US, approximately 33% of pregnancies are conceived within 18 […]


Public health Ph.D. student Corliss Solomon is working with health policymakers in Cabarrus County to ensure programs intended to help underserved communities are operating effectively. ChangeLab Solutions recently wrote about her efforts to alleviate health disparities and connect research and community outreach. Open Use in Cabarrus County, NC Virginia Adams understands the links between spiritual […]


The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine invited Dr. Beth Racine to participate in a public workshop titled “Optimizing Implementation” convened by the Committee to Review WIC Food Packages, in Washington, DC earlier this summer. Dr Racine was shared her research on Understanding and Influencing the Food Choices of WIC Participants. The Special Supplemental […]


Public Health Sciences Professor Beth Racine and a team of experts are taking their message of healthy eating and excercise to the youngest citizens of Cabarrus County, all in an effort to stop issues with weight before they start. UNC Charlotte’s Wills Citty reports. Building Healthy Lifestyles in All Directions is funded by Cabarrus Partnership […]


Second year doctoral student and Wayland Cato Doctoral Fellow, Corliss Allen Solomon, has won the national Yancey/Edgley Fellowship Conference Travel Award for her work with increasing access to physical activity opportunities for African-Americans and Hispanics through joint use policies with faith-based communities. Corliss used the funds to travel to the 2016 Active Living Research Conference, […]


The UNC Charlotte College of Health and Human Services has selected Dr. Lyndie Forthofer as the new chair of the Department of Public Health Sciences. A veteran public health researcher, Forthofer most recently served as Director of the Division of Epidemiology at the Arnold School of Public Health at the University of South Carolina. Over […]


Many thanks our friends and colleagues for your support and advice during our recent CAHME re-accreditation process. Our site visit just concluded with a preliminary finding that the Department fully met 33 of 35 criteria and have partially met the remaining two. Of those two partially met criteria, one related to a student competency-level assessment […]


Dr. Larissa R. Brunner Huber has been awarded a grant by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) to investigate the association between short birth intervals and under-studied adverse pregnancy outcomes using data from the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS). In addition, she will assess the relationships of selected demographic, lifestyle, and reproductive factors […]


On August 15th, 2016, the Department of Public Health Sciences’ MSPH program will become an MPH degree! This name change does not alter curriculum, accreditation, or commitment to preparing public health practitioner scholars. Students will continue to complete 36-39 credit hours of classroom instruction; a 3 credit field experience or internship; and a capstone experience […]


Brad Overcash, BSPH ‘15, completed his BSPH internship with Autism Charlotte, which led to his position as Autism Charlotte’s Manager of the Preparing Adolescents to Transition from High School (PATHS) Program. The PATHS Program has locations at UNC Charlotte and Queens University. Its main purpose is to help high school students and recent high school […]