Departmental News


MSPH Student, Meghan Wally, recently won the UNC Charlotte Health Academy Master’s Student Paper Contest with her thesis, entitled “The Association between Preconception Care Receipt and the Timeliness and Adequacy of Prenatal Care: An Examination of Multistate Date form Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) 2009-2011”. Meghan also presented her findings at the Graduate Research […]


The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), a member of the herpes virus family, is a common human virus that has been shown to be related to several medical conditions such as infectious mononucleosis, Burkitt’s lymphoma, Hodgkin lymphoma, and nasopharyngeal carcinoma; yet, there is limited information available on possible risk factors of EBV. Hesam Naenifard, lead author on […]


It’s hard to overstate the intimacy of the relationship between a university and the community that surrounds it. In many ways, each is the product of the other. A school’s unique culture and feel naturally emerges from the area in which it resides; cities grow and progress by embracing the forward-thinking ideas and people of […]


North Carolina ranked 37th in a recent state-by-state assessment of the nation’s health. While public health solutions are very rarely defined by a single action or small series of actions, efforts to address the needs of vulnerable and underserved populations will play an important role in improving the overall health of our state. Later this […]


The Inaugural North Carolina Representative Beverly Earle Health Disparities Distinguished Lecture: Advancing Science, Policy, & Practice event will be held on Friday, February 27, 2015 at the UNC Charlotte College of Health and Human Services, CHHS 155 from 10AM-4PM. The lecture event is in conjunction with UNC Chapel Hill’s 36th Annual Minority Health Conference and […]


The Graduate Public Health Association is hosting a Go Red Event with the American Heart Association to bring awareness to heart health for college students! Come by for blood pressure checks, trail mix, stress reduction tips, fitness assessments, and a photobooth! Each attendee will receive a swag bag filled with fun red items, as well […]


Film Series: Culture, the Environment and Health – Building an Understanding of Place through Film. All are welcome to join us for five outstanding films – and they are free! These films are made available through the Chancellor’s Diversity Challenge Fund and organized by the Department of Public Health Sciences and Department of Global, International […]


UNC Charlotte Public Health researchers Dr. Bill Saunders and Dr. Elizabeth Racine have partnered up with Carolinas Medical Center-NorthEast and Cabarrus County community stakeholders to develop a childhood obesity action plan. Recent numbers suggest that 23% of children in the U.S. are obese and medical care costs for this group can run into billions of […]


Dr. Larissa R. Brunner Huber, Associate Professor of Epidemiology, has been invited to speak at the upcoming American Public Health Association meeting in New Orleans, LA. Editors from “Maternal and Child Health Journal” have organized a session related to the research and publishing experiences of authors of some of the top cited articles in the […]


As part of the “State of the Region Healthcare Summit 2014” sponsored by the Cabarrus Regional Chamber of Commerce, Dr. Saunders and Dr. Racine presented “Childhood Obesity & Wellness Research” to business leaders in Cabarrus County (click here for newspaper article). Their recently completed Action Plan developed for Carolinas Medical Center-NorthEast (CMC-NE) identified five high-priority […]


Our study accounted for stroke throughout later life and compared African American and white women and men with and without stroke beginning at the same starting time. Our study was published in a recent issue of Disability and Health Journal as, “Stroke, Disability, and Mortality in the United States: 1999-2009.” Our study extends our research […]


The study looks at how education influences disability for people with cognitive impairment and was published recently in The American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias as, “More Education May Limit Disability and Extend Life for People with Cognitive Impairment.” Our study extends our research on active life expectancy. That is the average length […]


The Department of Public Health Sciences recently hosted a Graduate Programs Open House in the third floor atrium of the College of Health and Human Services. This event was a fantastic opportunity for prospective students to meet and have their questions answered by department faculty, current students, and representatives from the Graduate School. Discussion topics […]


Second year MSPH student, Charnele Walton (pictured second from left), co-led a presentation on the media’s influence on the field of public health. The live webcast was held on Wednesday, October 8th in Charleston, South Carolina which engaged undergraduates student on five college campuses in South Carolina. The presentation was an outgrowth of Charnele’s summer […]


Chelsea Moxlow, MSPH class of 2013, was recently recognized as one of the Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE) outstanding young health educators for 2014. ______________________________________________


Dr. Katharine Stewart recently celebrated with one of her former students, Dr. Brooke E. E. Montgomery, as the third manuscript from Dr. Montgomery’s dissertation was accepted for publication. Dr. Montgomery’s doctoral research was supported by a predoctoral fellowship from NIDA (F31 DA026286) and focused on the role of various characteristics of religion (religious practice, religious […]


Dr. Ahmed Arif presented two research posters at the annual meeting of the American College of Epidemiology held in Silver Spring, MD from September 6-9, 2014. The first research poster entitled “Association between comorbidities and asthma among children: A case-control study” was based on Dr. Arif’s research, funded by the Faculty Research Grant, conducted in […]


Dr. Jim Laditka and Dr. Sarah Laditka presented a research seminar to faculty and graduate students in the Department of Public Health Sciences at the Medical University of South Carolina on September 22, “Treats All ’Round: Using Multinomial Markov Modeling and Microsimulation to Address Missing Data in Longitudinal Analysis in a Study of Unemployment and […]