Professor Andrew Harver Appears on Panel at National Conference

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Andrew Harver represented the Department of Public Health Sciences on a UNC Charlotte panel at the annual meeting of the Association of American Colleges and Universities last month.

The panel – “Multiple Pathways to a Common Destination: Balancing Diverse Practices within an ePortfolio Program” – also included faculty from the University’s Communication Across the Curriculum initiative, University Writing Program, Dance and History departments.

It addressed ePortfolio program development and the multiple pathways for moving from a core group of dedicated faculty to broader campus reach. Harver characterized the use of the ePortfolio in the BSPH capstone course to demonstrate integrated learning experiences in students structured around the program’s cross-competency competencies (Frameworks of Public Health Practice, Communication in Public Health, Diversity & Culture, and Professionalism).

“The ePortfolio movement has grown dramatically in significance over the past one to two decades and especially the past five years, and the Association of American Colleges and Universities has long advocated e-portfolio adoption throughout higher education,” Harver said.

“UNC Charlotte is positioned to contribute to the development of this innovative pedagogy, which is focused on learning and the collection of evidence of learning or achievement.”