Hayat Naqvi

Hayat Naqvi
Academic Background: Bachelor of Science In Clinical Research from Jamia Hamdard University New Delhi, India
Where I’m From: I am from New Delhi which is the capital of India.
Public Health Interests: I am interested in epidemiological studies such as observational and interventional studies to find out the incidence and prevalence of disease in a population. More specifically I am passionate about interventional studies which aim to find the safety and efficacy of new drug treatment in the study participants.
Why I chose the MPH program at UNC Charlotte: UNC Charlotte MPH program coursework aligns with my interest and the major I have studied in my undergraduate. Moreover. The internship program and the big alumni group fascinate me to be part of this university as it will allow me to enhance my skill sets and help me to get my dream job. Furthermore, Dr. Monika Sawhney’s experience and research on cardiovascular disease, epidemiology, clinical trials, and systematic reviews intrigues me in particular.
More About Me: I am Hayat and I am from India and an MPH in Epidemiology Student for fall 2023. I am passionate about interventional studies and the regulations which is to be followed while conducting any type of epidemiological study. I have an interest in sports and extracurricular activities such as organizing events and participating in competitions. My hobbies are watching sci-fi web series and reading Manga (Japanese Anime) in my free time. I have been Campus Ambassador of IMUN International Model United Nations and represented it at Schools and Universities. Moreover, I have participated in different debate and speech events in my previous Schools.