Jackson Plemmons

Jackson Plemmons

Concentration: Epidemiology

Hometown: Waxhaw, NC

Undergraduate Degree: Bachelor of Arts in Medical Anthropology from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Public Health Interests: Healthcare Inequality, Epidemiology, Social Determinants of Health.

Public Health Experience: I worked as a nursing assistant in an elderly care home for dementia patients.

Why I chose the UNC Charlotte MPH Program: I chose the UNC Charlotte MPH program because I grew up around Charlotte and have had the opportunity to serve the local veteran community for over 8 years. This experience formed a special connection with the Charlotte community and inspired me to find an opportunity to return after my undergraduate career in Chapel Hill. Additionally, the research opportunities and faculty at UNCC aligned with my interests in pursuing a degree in public health.

About Me: In the summer of 2022, I spent one month in remote Northern Kenya with the Samburu Pastoralists researching the daily activities and associated energy expenditure of children in an attempt to better understand pastoralist childhood development. This experience led to several research presentations and culminated in an award winning senior honors thesis in the Anthropology department of UNC.
