Janine Michael

Janine Michael

Concentration: Epidemiology

Hometown: I was born in Fort. Lauderdale, FL but I have been in Charlotte for almost 20 years.

Undergraduate Degree: Early Entry student currently completing a Bachelor of Science in Public Health (BSPH) with a minor in Anthropology at The university of North Carolina at Charlotte

Public Health Interests: I am passionate about studying infectious disease transmission, outbreak investigation, community health disparities, and structural violence. My interest also extends to researching non-communicable diseases impacted by access to care, inequity, and social perception. I believe that understanding these diseases and their social determinants is crucial in finding tailored solutions to public health issues. This is one area where my background in anthropology gives me an advantage because it has taught me to take a broad and holistic view of all issues. The desire to solve health-related problems, particularly those that disproportionately impact certain groups more than others, made me decide to pursue degrees in both medical anthropology and epidemiology.

Why did I chose the UNC Charlotte Program: I decided to enroll in UNC Charlotte’s dual degree MA/MPH program because it was one of the few schools offering a unique program that combines an MA in medical anthropology with an MPH in epidemiology. I firmly believe that the intersection of these two fields is not only beneficial but also crucial in providing a holistic view of public health issues. Moreover, I chose to continue my education at UNC Charlotte because I feel I have found a home at this university and within its community of public health and medical anthropology professionals. The opportunity to continue my education in a master’s program that is designed to prepare me for employment in the field I am deeply passionate about is a dream come true.