Katelyn “Kate” Payne

Katelyn Payne

Concentration: Epidemiology

Undergraduate Degree: Bachelor of Science in Public Health (BSPH) with a minor in Healthcare Administration from Appalachian State University.

Public Health Interest: I’m interested in further understanding the drivers of health, as well as addressing the growing concern of substance misuse and abuse within our communities.

Public Health Experience: Currently, I work with the Center for Prevention Services (CPS) as a Prevention Specialist. Within my capacity, I work directly with Opioid Settlement funding. I facilitate evidence-based practices (EBP) within youth settings in the Charlotte Mecklenburg community. I also conduct community outreach and strategy implementation for Alcohol, Tobacco, and other Drugs (ATOD) prevention initiatives in Mecklenburg and five surrounding counties.

Why I chose the UNC Charlotte MPH Program: I chose UNCC to pursue the opportunity to learn more about urban health. I believe that combining this perspective with my knowledge of rural health, will provide me with a unique outlook on the different topics within public health. Additionally, I am genuinely excited to attend its in-person courses!

About Me: While I am not a huge fan of staying outside for a long period of time, I do enjoy hiking!
